0.5.0 Released!

Hey friends! I added a few new things and fixed some bugs, so here is v0.5.0:

  • Added “next letter” hint
  • Made the block spawning a touch faster
  • Hitting Spacebar when you have letters selected that don’t make a valid word will now quick-deselect all
  • You can press S or Down Arrow to spawn a block manually — because of the risk, spawning blocks like this gives you a score multiplier of up to 50%
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: you might encounter a bug where spawning a block conflicts with a block already spawned, and somehow ends the game. Let me know if you encounter this!
  • Scoring tweak: bigger words are encouraged by giving a score multiplier based on the number of tiles in the word

And here’s a reminder of the basics:

  • Click on letters to make words -- letters must be next to or diagonal to the last selected letter, but they can be in any direction
  • Hit Submit to submit a valid word -- Enter and Space are quick ways to submit
  • Q will deselect all letters
  • Letter swap: gives you the ability to swap letters vertically or horizontally, and runs on a timer once used
  • Make a 5+ letter word and you get a bomb powerup to help clear blocks -- accrue multiple bombs if you want
  • Rare letters are worth more points, and bigger words get you a bonus
  • Get a score multiplier up to 50% for manually spawning blocks with S or Down Arrow


Wordfall-0.5.0.zip 242 MB
52 days ago

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